Sunday, December 13, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Elmo Week!

I mean.... PET WEEK! If you follow my blog at all, you have seen a lot of drama with the "Queen" of the House... my furry beast Elmo (and yes, you've also seen this photo in recent days). She did come with us to SC and resides in our kitchen after a long summer and fall outside. She's very excited about the upcoming festivities, so I figured I would shoot her in front of our lovely Christmas Tree.

If you would like to see more beautiful PETS or Animals in general, head on over to I Heart Faces and check it out!


  1. What a beautiful photo of your sweet dog! I just love the look on his face. I bet he is ready for Christmas.

  2. I was wondering if you would use this one. Great choice and great shot. Love the new processing too.

  3. Adorable pup, and great entry for this week!

  4. Such a cute photo. I always enjoy your photos and looking through your blog. Beautiful photography!

  5. what a unique looking dog! quite stunning and cute at the same time!

  6. what a sweet looking pup-pup

    love the colors in this photo

  7. What a cutie! I love the processing - and I'm loving all your holiday pictures! so fun :-)
