Monday, November 16, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Autumn Beauty

I had the opportunity to photography this little doll last weekend. On Hilton Head Island there isn't a ton of fall foliage, but there are some yellow trees in the back ground. I miss the leaves and the thick, deep, rich colors of the midwest, however, I love the upper 70's in November!

If you want to see more of Fall's Beauty... head on over to I Heart Faces and check it out!


  1. I think the texture in the back really helps bring out the fall look I am glad you added it. She is such a cutie!

  2. Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous!!

  3. Beautiful, as always! I love the texture too . . . . fabulous application!

  4. way to use evening light to approximate fall color!!! darling sweet expression and beautiful depth of focus :-)

  5. such beautiful colors & light . . . and I know what you mean about missing the fall colors but enjoying the nice weather :)

  6. What a pretty dress. And what a wonderful image!
